Pandemic Pondering II — Fitness Fusion

I didn’t know where to begin with my first installment of “Pandemic Pondering” back in May of this year… and I don’t know where to begin yet again! 

Lets start with the bright sides, because yes there is always a bright side! Sometimes you just have to look under the many dark layers to find it. Fitness Fusion is still alive, and not going down without a fight! 

To say that I feel lucky to still be able to maintain operations on some level is an understatement. I know many small businesses have not been so lucky, and have unfortunately already gone out of business or are struggling immensely every day to stay afloat. The ONLY reason Fitness Fusion has even made it this far is because of the amazing members and their dedication, and for that I am thankful beyond words. 

We are fortunate to have been able to utilize the outdoor pavilion at Millside Park with amazing success. We had to change our plan of action drastically! This included our workout schedule and class format, which was certainly not easy after 5+ years of indoor programming! In light of things, we had two choices… adapt or cease to exist. We chose to adapt! Even on those 90+ degree days with humidity I find myself really enjoying the fresh air and the challenge (okay, maybe more so once the workout is done when it's 90 :) 

When we were able to start up indoor classes, there was an average of one person per class… ONE! But we put our heads down and powered forward through the uncertainty, and slowly but surely indoor classes are starting to gain some momentum (from a safe distance!). We have a strict protocol in place and I want to thank everyone for doing such a great job following the rules with no questions asked. It is important to me that everyone feel safe at our facility, so we’re working extra hard at making sure to follow all rules and regulations regarding social distancing and cleaning/sanitizing protocol!

On top of the outdoor and indoor classes, we are still rocking the Zoom workouts too! Thanks to you guys at home who continue to workout with us even though you can’t be there in person! I applaud your dedication and hope you keep on rockin’ with us from home! 

Our Personal Training has truly been a lifesaver… for both the gym and the clients who have taken part! Maintaining a routine has been of utmost importance though this, along with continually being mindful of our mental and physical health. Personal Training is NOT only about physical strength, but mental strength as well. Trainers and clients form a strong bond, and always enjoy having someone to talk to throughout their session. Someone who is on their side and can listen without biases. Add that to the exercise and physical health component and it's truly a no brainer! I have never appreciated Personal Training more than I have over these last 5 months, so a heartfelt thanks to all of my clients, and all of our trainers clients! 

Now for the dark side… Luke, I am your father (sorry have to throw some light humor in there).

Am I scared? Yes… but I know I am not alone. We are all scared of the unknown. I could sit here all day with “what if” scenarios, but that won't help anything at all! In fact that will only make matters worse. People ask me all the time how the gym is doing, and I find myself always saying “we’re hanging in there, “we’re skating by for now” and “one day at a time.” Because that is exactly how it is! It is what it is and we’re rolling with the punches. More tough times lie ahead for Small Businesses, but at least now we can anticipate and adapt with a little more certainty rather than flying by the seat of our pants as we had to do initially. 

Another quote from a recent HBO series comes to mind, “Winter is coming…” Winter will be hard, VERY hard. The weather conditions will force us to stop outdoor classes eventually, and I know there are still SO many people who are not comfortable exercising indoors. With winter will come more membership cancelations, and yet more strain on the business. Rest assured, we will continue to do everything we can to provide as many viable options for your health and fitness as possible! 

Throughout this coming winter, it will be absolutely CRUCIAL that you all maintain a routine with your health and fitness. You all know the downsides when you let that routine fall by the wayside. You feel it not only with your strength and stamina, but dragging on your mental well-being also. This year more than ever, the colder and darker days will have a stronger effect on us. SAD (seasonal affective disorder) will likely rear its ugly head more than it has in recent memory. If you don’t take measures to stay active and keep busy, this Winter could have devastating effects on your psyche. BUT, being the Fitness Fusion die-hards that you are, I know you won’t let that happen! 

With winter and more change on the horizon, what else is there to do other than expect the unexpected? I know that if we’re to survive, we must continually adapt… without sacrificing the principles that Fitness Fusion was built on; Trust, knowledge, clarity, openness, respect, honesty, reliability and lovingness. 

July 15th marked the 5 year anniversary of me becoming the owner of Fitness Fusion.  We were going to have a huge summer party! It was supposed to be great. Well, shit happens. I’ve accepted this year for what it is, and I hope everyone else can do the same! Peel away the layers and find that bright side. 

I find that one of the best ways to get through tough times is to STAY BUSY! If you are busy you simply don’t have time to sit down and think about how terrible everything is every 10 minutes. When the Pandemic hit I painted every single room in the first floor of my house just to stay busy and have something to do. Since then i’ve been studying hard in an attempt to obtain my Real Estate Agent license (test has been canceled/postponed twice already… but hey its 2020 and I guess I should have expected that). Now we’re in the process of buying a new home and selling the current one. Being/staying busy has certainly helped get through it all, and the year has actually flown by in a weird way.

I know we are not through this struggle yet, and the worst still may be yet to come... but I do have optimism in regards to the future of the gym! We have a great team and amazing members, and that is something I believe is worth fighting for! As a Fitness Family if we stick together i believe we can make it through anything.

GET FUSED and stay strong everybody,

Brian Lepine

Fitness Fusion


